Radiology Management
Beacon Communications is a business-to-business public relations firm which focuses on business development. It has a twenty year track record of positioning clients as industry thought leaders by harnessing their expertise and articulating it to their markets through leading professional, industry and business publications, as well as industry associations/forums.
Our methods include arranging and developing high impact articles, speeches and branded, industry leading surveys which raise the company’s profile, educate that market about products and services, and shape opinion about industry issues - with crucially important third party validation. Clients benefit from our deep understanding of their business and the markets into which they sell. This knowledge, experience, and intellectual base serves as the foundation for close relationships with editors and association leaders which have been built through time, trust and adding value to the industry conversation.
To learn more about what Beacon Communications can do to put your company in the best position to attract business, partners, talent and more, click the link below.