Radiology Management
Harnessing the Power of the Spoken Word
As a core part of the public relations marketing mix, Beacon Communications is active in placing clients in established, high profile industry, association, business and government forums. These speaking engagements include keynote addresses, panel discussions, debates and workshops. Clients regularly participate in electronic gatherings such as webcasts well.
The firm also proactively creates client branded forums to further establish them as thought leaders, put them at the center of the industry discussion and to forge long term, productive relationships.
Examples of established forums in which clients regularly participate include those run by The Conference Board, JP Morgan Healthcare Conference, The Economist, Financial Times, Executives’ Club of Chicago, American Bankers Association Financial Executives Institute, American Hospital Association, HIMSS, Human Resources Planning Society, Association of Run Off Companies, European College of Radiology, Arab Health, American College of Cardiology, Risk & Insurance Management Society, and the American Conference of Mayors among many others. Beacon clients enjoy access without boundaries and repeat invitations.
Beacon also seeks to involve clients in prestigious business school forums such as Harvard Business School’s annual Cyberposium, which brings together leading IT thinkers and practitioners. In addition to building executive profiles and enhancing their corporate brands, clients have found that participation has a significant impact on recruiting and talent acquisition.
Beacon is proactive in creating and marketing client developed and branded events and other customized platforms that range from symposia to roundtables to radio series broadcasts. Below are examples of speaking platforms that Beacon has been developed on their behalf.
Beacon Communications and client DOTmed, a leading healthcare magazine and the world’s largest EBay-style online marketplace for used and refurbished medical equipment, worked together to create an important industry panel discussion entitled “How Do you Keep CT Uptime Costs Down”. Moderated by Jeff Yastine of PBS’s Nightly Business Report, the forum proved to be a key, standing room only event during 2010 Radiological Society of North America’s annual conference, and a positive reputation and brand builder for DOTmed and its partner sponsors.
Associations and business forums have themselves turned to Beacon Communications to help build their profile and brands. The Executives’ Club of Chicago sought to leverage its core assets—speeches by some of the world’s best known CEO’s and political leaders—beyond the walls of their highly sought after luncheon forums. Beacon Communications responded by developing a CEO Guest Speaker radio broadcast series aired by National Public Radio affiliates in several major markets across the United States.